Thursday, July 24, 2008

Pioneer Day

Today we decided to have a bundle of fun! After taking a nice walk with Claudine and Gavin, we all headed up to the Thanksgiving Point Discovery Gardens. The boys had a blast playing in Noah's Arc. Gavin is into a smelling phase and kept wanting to smell all the flowers, which was super sweet, and Jack wanted to hold my hand and drag me around everywhere. I love this phase of total mommy attachment:) After the water section, we decided to see the rest of the gardens, going through the tunnels, climbing up the lighthouse ladder, and greeting the iron ducks. I think we wore both boys out sufficiently well. Jack slept all the way home and is still napping. A very nice way to spend Pioneer Day.

This is a little clip from one of Jack's favorite books, 'Moo, Baa, La La La'. He anticipates one part so much, and reads along with me. Listen closely, I love it!

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