Wednesday, July 23, 2008

one hundred push ups

So I have decided to do a new challenge for myself, I would love it if some of my loyal readers;) would like to join in on this as well. It is called the 100 push up challenge. How this works, it is a 6 week program with doing push up intervals 3 times a week. You start out slow, but eventually, you will get to 100 push ups, it can take you longer to get to your goal, but that is just fine, the main thing is to challenge yourself. I am doing this as I know this along with my yoga routines should really tone my arms well, and it is a challenge, like running a marathon! Something that it is fun to push yourself atleast once in your life to do. (I have taken a break from marathon running after my two claims to fame in the Honolulu and Top of Utah- Logan marathons, but would love to get into that kind of shape again someday).
For this first week, I have posted the sequence. This is week 1, so it starts nice and slow. I am going to try for the intermediate level- so far I have completed day 1 and day 2, and my upper back was feeling it the next day, but definetly a good soarness. I have a link attached at the bottom of this post if anyone would like to check out the whole program and keep up to date on it.

As a reward to a job well done, they have merchandise- yeahy! I want to get myself a t-shirt if (or when I should say) I am able to complete this program.