Our Little guy has officially turned one! His birthday was on Thursday, June 26th. We celebrated with friends and family on Sunday. He is 31.7 inches tall - in the 95 percentile for his age group, and 21 pounds - in the 24 percentile for his age. So it looks like he's going to be tall and skinny, just like daddy:)
We knew Jack would be loving his birthday cake, and he did! He dove face first into that delicious chocolatey decadence. And he even remembered to lick off the candle! (That's always my favorite part)
Babunia got Jack these awesome blocks for his birthday, he loves to watch me stalk them and then knock them over. He was a very lucky little guy, getting a teepee from his auntie (Jack and Gavin love chasing each other through it) a dump truck, fire truck, legos, ball and sand box toys, as well as some cute clothes and books.
In Poland we have a tradition that on the first Birthday you give baby a glass (symbolizing love to party) a book (highly intellectual) and money (always wealthy). After looking at all the objects carefully, Jack chose the glass. Our little party animal! I had a really cute picture, but it just disappeared and my guy woke up- sorry, got to go!