Thursday, December 16, 2010

Jack's Christmas Preschool Recital

Sitting on Santa's lap after a very good performance:) Jack asked for a fluffy puppy (aren't 2 enough in our house?!) He also really wanted Santa to meet his baby sister Annabelle, how sweet!

Singing 'I Saw Mommy Kissing Santa Clause' Jack's class: Claire, Brenna, Jack, Brennen, Nygel, Maiyze, and I don't know the last 2. Jack and Claire are good buddies, but he likes Brennen, too. You wouldn't have guessed that from this recital and all the elbowing the boys did:)

Jack and Brennen singing 'Jingle Bells'

'We Wish You A Merry Christmas' performed with full on elbow fight of Jack and Brennen's:) Then Santa came out at the end. (This was the end of the program but I uploaded it first accidently, the rest will be in the right order)

I Saw Mommy Kissing Santa Clause

'Up On the House Top' with full Iron Man shooting:)

Jingle Bells

Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer

Christmas Comedy: Jack's Joke - What do you call a Christmas Bug? Hum Bug!

Other good ones: What do snowmen eat for breakfast? Frosty Flakes

What do you get when you cross a vampire with a snowman? Frost Bite

Silent Night

1 comment:

Ada said...

Absolutely adorable!!!!!!!! I totally love it! They did a great job! And Jack totally stole the show with "humbug" :).