Monday, December 6, 2010

Happy St. Nick's!

As a kid I couldn't wait for St. Nick's. That night I would wake up every hour, checking to see if he'd come yet and there were presents in my shoes:)
As an adult, I am no better - and I have to admit when you have kiddos of your own it is one of the best things ever!
That evening, we had chosen our shoes carefully, cleaned them well, and even talked Jack into sleeping in his own bed because otherwise St. Nick won't know that he is home.
St. Nick got up at 2:30 am to drop some little packages in our slippers, I was wide awake and waiting to see what happened.
I heard some whispering in Jack's sleep (he talks a lot in his sleep)
Then at 3:05 am the little voice says - "St. Nick gave me presents!" In a loud excited whisper
Running to our room - "Daddy, Daddy, Mommy! St. Nick gave me presents!" running back and forth between his room and ours.
We got up and opened presents in Jack's room: he got santa socks, a gingerbread train and little people nativity scene. He was so excited!
I showed him that Annabelle got some stuff, too, but we couldn't wake her quite yet and we'll help her open stuff when she wakes up.
Between 3:30 and 4 am we started building the train:)

Jack did so good and did the majority on his own

Ta Da!

When Tink woke up Jack helped her open her presents, the little snowflake, santa socks, velvet pant suit and finally a brush and comb for all that hair!
Jack was just as excited to show her her presents as his own!
I loved every second of it! It was the best to have him so excited that St. Nick didn't forget him and came to give him presents:)

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