Sunday, September 5, 2010

Welcome Little Princess!

Annabelle Rosalie Miche
7 lbs 3 oz
19.5 inches
born 9:48 pm
August 31, 2010

So picture overload to come, but what else can a proud mommy do?!

Our very happy family, and such a proud big brother
This is HIS baby sister Annabelle

First Bath

She liked the scalp massage

Jack is so happy here holding her for the first time

Jack had a big adventure, too
He got to see the airmed helicopter taking off and the rescue helicopter moving to another field
Then he got his own personal tour of the helicopter
He was so excited, and couldn't wait to tell his new sister about it!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

annabella is so cute. i love the story you wrote. congratulations.