Sunday, September 5, 2010

The Birth Story

Tuesday, August 31st, 2010
1:45 pm Doctor's Appointment - my doc said that if I'd like she could induce me on Thursday, I agreed to this pretty quick:) She also stripped my membranes though. Doctor Jack was ready to do a full test on mommy as well:) We went to Rumbi's and Red Mango for lunch and ice cream after the visit, then Jack and I went home and Stephen had to go back up to work.
5:30 pm Labor Starts - Jack and I were playing in the backyard when the contractions started. I knew this was the real thing this time. Stephen came in the door just after they started.
6:30 pm Ready To Go To The Hospital - I was just pulling my phone out to call mom when she walked in the door
7:00 pm Arrive at the Hospital - I was at a 3.5 so they wanted to hold me an hour before officially admitting me, this process took awhile
8:00 pm - They checked me and it'd only been 30 minutes since the last time they checked, I was at a 5 and in A LOT of pain
8:15 pm - Admitted
8:30 pm - Epidural - ahh! feel so much better
My doctor came in and broke my water
Went from a 5 to 9.5 in 30 minutes
They prepared the room
2 contractions pushing (about 3 minutes) and our princess is here!
9:48 pm Annabelle is born
9:00 am on Wednesday, September 1st - Jack and Babi come to see us for the first time

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