Monday, May 3, 2010


A dream of mine has always been to have a trampoline. I've been searching and searching and found a great deal for $15! (That was the easy part)
Stephen got a buddy to come over with a backhoe and help dig the hole.
Good thing, too! because of the size of these boulders, we joked that without the backhoe maybe we'd get the hole dug by the time Jack went to college. Jack loved the big tracktor

Jack helped daddy every step of the way, from gathering rocks, putting together the frame, loading dirt in the wheelbarrow. This kiddo sure did work hard for his early birthday present!

Here the boys are putting on the final springs
And believe it or not, this dirt hill is about 1/3 gone from when Stephen started working on it!

The retaining wall, boulders and many rocks that line the bottom and sides of the tramp, all coming from the original hole!

First Jumps!!!

1 comment:

brittdave said...

looks like fun, we will have to come test it out.