Friday, April 30, 2010

April Showers and Flowers

We really wanted to take some pictures of our beautiful tree before the snow started falling again. And I decided it may be time to document my tummy, so here it is at 5 months.
Jack was not happy here.
I made him turn the hose off because it was freezing, he really still wanted to play in the water.
Oh summer, how I can't wait 'til your here!

Jack was in a better mood when I let him take some pictures.
Here is a great photo he took of mom:)

And running free through the billowing beautiful branches

Every flower Jack sees anywhere now he says it's for me, because mommy is a princess:) Will this sweetness last forever? I hope so!


Johnson's Times Two said...

The trees are absolutely beautiful. Congrats on the little girl again. You look great.

Here Dwells Happiness said...

Love the preggo tummy shots. You are too cute. That tree is amazing. Oh my goodness!