Tuesday, April 7, 2009


Mom and I tend to take on big projects. This year, we needed to repaint the house. In our original research for this, we wanted to borrow some scaffolding from Home Depot, well, the rental guy laughed out loud at us at the very thought that two such small women would
A: attempt to put up scaffolding
B: attempt to maneuver a ladder
C: Paint a house on their own
Well, thanks to a neighbors ladder, we are almost done with our project, it's more completed then in the pictures now, I'll post the finished project soon. I should bring these pics in to Home Depot and show that guy that two women 5' and 5'3" can indeed do it on their own.
One thing I'll say though, painting sure does make you sore!
These are pics of mom up high on the ladder. What a brave Woman! I hate being up that high!

1 comment:

Alexis said...

That is quite the project. But it is always so much more rewarding when you do it on your own. Great job!!