Originally when I was creating my blog, I accidently turned off the comments section. Almost a year into having a blog I finally figured out how to turn it back on again:) And today, for the first time, I finally found where the comments are....Ugh, sometimes computers and thinking are a very long story for me....
So, to answer some of your questions and comments.
Car: The car has actually been a whole fiasko. Turns out, it's not a good idea to go even look and not consider buying with a toddler, you can get scammed pretty well, (I like to call it scammed, but the bottom line is we probably just weren't paying attention) so the Rogue would have cost us the same for the first year, and then payments skyrocket after that, not quite what we wanted. So we went and traded it in for a Grey Nissan Altima. Very nice ride, dogs will have to sit in the back with Jack or the front seat, but it rides like a sports car, which is a passion of mine. It'll be an adjustment to not having an SUV, but I'm happy with what we have now.
My new exercise regiment is called Bootcamp with Jess. I have just started week 4. It is absolutely awesome!!! I go their every morning at 7am to 8am and the instructor varies our workouts completely day to day. Monday's and Wednesday's are Upper Body, Tuesday's and Thursday's are Lower Body, Fridays is 6am at a track with all groups together and you run bleachers, run the track yelling military chants, do thousands of pushups, etc. I'm happy to report I have lost 4 pounds, but mostly inches, and am already comfortable in my clothes again. The program is 6 weeks long. Here is the website: http://www.bootcampwithjess.com/ check it out, and if you decide to join, tell them I sent you, (I get a discount next time I sign on). There are only 4 to 5 people in the daily class, so it's just like working with a personal trainer. I'm sore every day, which I love, and diet is a big part of it as well.
No Bread, No Pasta, No Dairy, No Soda
If you eat any of these, 10 pushups for each thing- this has been a challenge, and I have done many pushups, but well worth the regimen as diet is 70% and exercise is 30% of weight loss.
After I'm done with this, Stephen got me a great workout called p90x (checkout http://www.p90x.com/ ) I have not tried this yet, but from other people hear it's great. It is a 90 day program that also works on muscle confusion, so your body doesn't get used to what you are doing. There are 12 DVD's that you work from.
After bootcamp I'll let you know the results. It's pretty great so far though, really puts me in a good mood for the whole day. One thing that's helped me through bootcamp is my sister. She is also doing a bootcamp in Boston at the same time. So every morning we compare notes and get to tell each other how sore we are and check on eachothers diet. It keeps us in line pretty well since we are brutely honest. If anyone wants to start a diet plan, I would love to be your support system. There's nothing that keeps you on track as much as actually having to confess that scoop of ice cream (which I had last night) to another person. It's an embarrasing down fall, and it's good to have support.
House: The house is finally painted! It was a big project, but turned out great in the end! We are posting it this week, so I'll have pics of the finished project soon. Cross your fingers for us that it sells soon!
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