Saturday, October 27, 2012

Haunted Zipline and Michelle's Trip

 Stephen's sister Michelle and her cute kiddo Payton were able to come visit for a weekend.  Michelle ran the Tough Mudder with Tommy - crazy! and Pay and Jack became best of friends! While she was here they went on the Haunted Zipline in the canyon - how fun is that!
Wow! look how high up they are!
 These expressions are priceless! Does that look like it was fun or what?! 
 We were also able to have Tim and Jen and their kids over as well as Tommy and Miquela - it was great to catch up/meet finally
 The siblings
 We took Payton and our kids to Kangaroo Zoo for some fun jumping - luckily Stephen was able to get Tink to not be scared and have fun

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