Monday, April 30, 2012

Jack's Name Day

Annabelle's been cleaning Jack's room while Babi was babysitting. EVERYTHING is on the bed!
My cute reader's on the patio

We went to Hee Haw Farms to start celebrating Jack's Name Day, kids loved this baby cow, the goats this time were another story:)
Here the goat is chasing Jack to get some grain! Jack was ok with it after a minute, Annabelle was traumatized!

Check out this adorable 14 day old bunny!

Ciocia Ada totally spoils the kids! Look at this awesome bug vacuum and microscope Jack got! And Annabelle this fun bug puzzle! Thank you!
We woke Jack up first thing in the morning before work so he could get his big boy bike! Training wheels had to come off right away - he's doing so well!
A Transformer cake with rings on it as requested delivered on the door step from Ciocia Ada! - Yumm!
He got this cool pirate pool from Babi! As you can see, so fun even without the water!

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