Monday, November 14, 2011


This little guy of mine is such a sweetheart, he really makes me smile all the time. Lately, he has another persona (we have our imaginary friend Grandpa O.B.D. who is the coolest person ever and has done everything imaginable, even fought the dinosaurs) but now, when Jack has done something, or doesn't want to do it, it's not his fault, it's his brains. For example, the other night, while playing musical beds, I went to cuddle with Jack. He asked for some hot chocolate milk, while I was getting it, Tink woke up and I was making her a bottle, too (so the process took me 2.5 minutes instead of 1) I came into his bed, with milks and the baby.

Jack says to me: "Mommy, I love you, but my brain is REALLY mad at you right now."

me: ok, but can we still cuddle?

Jack: Hold on a sec, I'll ask, brain, I want to cuddle with mommy

Brain: NO! I'm mad at her

Jack: I really want to cuddle, I love her

Brain: No, that's not ok

Jack: To bad, you deal with it, I'm cuddling with mommy. Love you mommy.

1 comment:

DancerKitchen said...

How funny! He's too cute!