Friday, October 14, 2011


As we all know, sometimes our kids drive us crazy, and then other days, we can't even believe how sweet they are:)

This week Annabelle wasn't feeling very well, and as a result kept pushing Jack away every time he'd try to come close to me. As a result, he told her:

"Annabelle, mommy belongs to you and to me and to Babi and to Daddy." So big of a four year old to say:) Then when they were in the car and I went to get her out he just gave her so much love in hugs and kisses so she'd feel better:)

Then yesterday we were at Wal-Mart and Annabelle found a bin of $1 African Animal toys. She divided in (all I could see was her little blue bottom) and dug through all the toys until she found a tiger (loves tigers) she was so proud to show Jack and I, then she went back and found me a black horse (I like to tell her about horses) and went back one more time and found a dinosaur for Jack (his favorite:)) It was so sweet and well thought out, and only being 13 months! I love my kids!

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