Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Fourth of July

We started out our Fourth of July at the Balloon Festival. So fun once we found parking! Check out Darth Vader! There were storm troopers all around as well, it was a HUGE hit!

The troopers were awesome for posing and pics, check this one out, he gave Jack his gun and told him to shoot:)

Later we took the kids to the zoo, Annabelle and Stephen's first time. There is a big dino exhibit all over the park now, it was Jack's favorite ofcourse, although he was terrified of them! Some of them, like this one shot water at you as you passed by.

Jack loved the elephants and had fun making music next to them

Jack hiding behind daddy so the t-rex won't get him, Annabelle's saying "Let me at him!" :)

Jack loved digging in the dirt, he wants one of these at home

Annabelle's favorite were the giraffe's

We waited for the guys as they went on a train ride

What a blast!

Then picnic and fireworks at Mama and Papa's house

I had to put her behind bars so she wouldn't eat the fireworks

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