Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Thanksgiving Point

We were able to take the kids to Thanksgiving Point over the weekend, so fun. We saw the big gardens and the kids, I love that place!

Enjoying the Fishies

Having fun in the Secret Garden

My little runaway

The kids really had fun at Noah's Arc - look at that happy face!

In the centipedes head

Jack really enjoyed the huge sandbox

Monday, July 11, 2011

Nightly Funnies

Last night we had fun:) As you can see by our bath time mohawks!
Before that, I was trying to do laundry and Annabelle was my big helper, she kept putting the dirty whites in the dryer while I was folding what was in there, well, I kept putting it in the basket, and she'd turn around, walk back to the basket and be so confused to see her dress, etc. back in the basket. It was adorable. She loaded the whole dryer, except for one burp cloth that was orange and green in color, she looked at that with disgust, through it on the floor, and went on with loading the machine:)

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Fourth of July

We started out our Fourth of July at the Balloon Festival. So fun once we found parking! Check out Darth Vader! There were storm troopers all around as well, it was a HUGE hit!

The troopers were awesome for posing and pics, check this one out, he gave Jack his gun and told him to shoot:)

Later we took the kids to the zoo, Annabelle and Stephen's first time. There is a big dino exhibit all over the park now, it was Jack's favorite ofcourse, although he was terrified of them! Some of them, like this one shot water at you as you passed by.

Jack loved the elephants and had fun making music next to them

Jack hiding behind daddy so the t-rex won't get him, Annabelle's saying "Let me at him!" :)

Jack loved digging in the dirt, he wants one of these at home

Annabelle's favorite were the giraffe's

We waited for the guys as they went on a train ride

What a blast!

Then picnic and fireworks at Mama and Papa's house

I had to put her behind bars so she wouldn't eat the fireworks

Tuesday, July 5, 2011


My baby has her 2 bottom teeth now! 1st one showed up on June 18th, 2nd on July 3rd:) They sure are sharp and she likes to show us that! She also loves this pool and playing with the balls and her little shovel, it's too cute!

My garden growing. We have corn, radishes, carrots, spinach, beets, pumpkins, zucchinni, cucumbers, tomatos, butternut squash, sunflowers,broccali, strawberries, beans and peas this year. It's all doing so well! The peas are actually taller then I am!