Sunday, April 17, 2011

Spring at the Hee Haw Farms

Jack really loves goats:) The little black one has been named 'Hair Bear'

The goats and sheep all really thought Annabelle was the coolest kid there (because she was sleeping) The goat started licking her toes:)

Jack loves tractors, he really wants one of these:) Annabelle is not a farm girl - she was not impressed by any of it, maybe next year?

The hayride

Annabelle liked the corn, she thought it was snack time

Sand was o.k. with her, too

Jack really wanted to share the goats with Annabelle

Get these animals away from me! (I don't understand why she didn't like them)

Hair Bear fell asleep in Jack's lap, it was so cute! He was literally in heaven

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