Friday, April 30, 2010

April Showers and Flowers

We really wanted to take some pictures of our beautiful tree before the snow started falling again. And I decided it may be time to document my tummy, so here it is at 5 months.
Jack was not happy here.
I made him turn the hose off because it was freezing, he really still wanted to play in the water.
Oh summer, how I can't wait 'til your here!

Jack was in a better mood when I let him take some pictures.
Here is a great photo he took of mom:)

And running free through the billowing beautiful branches

Every flower Jack sees anywhere now he says it's for me, because mommy is a princess:) Will this sweetness last forever? I hope so!

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

It's A Girl!!!

Our first shots of our little princess:)
Here she is sucking her thumb, something Jack never did, something I did forever

Here's her little legs, cute knobby knees and all!

She was so squirmy it was really hard to get this shot to measure the length of her legs. So far she is length wise right on target for the 20.5 weeks, and the rest of her is about 19 weeks in size, maybe she'll be smaller than Jack. But she sure has his energy already! Can't Wait!!!

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Spring Fling at the Hee Haw Farms

Ahh, the first really nice day of spring we've had in awhile! Decided to celebrate with what better way than tractors and farm animals! Jack was so quick to get up on this tractor (it was the first he saw) he climbed onto all of them:)

Gavin's choice was a little smaller, but one he could steer

Then off to the slides...
Savannah thought it was really cool how the big boys climbed up and went down really fast.
Jack ofcourse chose the hardest way up:)

Going Super Fast!

The farm animal part! Jack first found this baby bunny which he shared with Gavin

Then he fell in love with this baby black goat. He carried it everywhere and kept coming back to him. It was Jack's new love.

Going to the Rodeo on this bucking tire swing and exploring yet another tractor

The boys jumping through the hay set up for the hay ride

Cowboys at heart. Jack was so relaxed and laid back here, he loved the pony named Lacy

Animal Train Ride

And finally the Hay Ride

Wednesday, April 7, 2010


Jack showing off all his Easter loot:) He had so much fun finding the eggs this year!
Getting all the kiddos to look at the camera and smile is next to impossible

Our Easter family pic

Kenny, Claudine and Avery pushing Gavin and Savannah on the swings.

Jack finding Easter eggs Easter morning with Babi, and sharing all his Twix with her because he considered them to be 'broken'. He loved the Jelly Bellies.

The Easter table all pretty and set

Jack and Stephen playing with their flying birds from Ciocia Ada

Spring Painting

Jack was so excited to be able to help paint and stand on the big ladder. He felt like a really big brave firefighter:)