Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Hee Haw Farms

There is a place called the Hee Haw Farms. I've driven by it every year - this year we decided to stop and explore:)
I let Jack put on his Halloween costume - Firefighter Jack! and we all set out.
Thi is the Hay Jump

Then the scary monsters! Jack was terrified, but Stephen showed him how to punch through the monsters:) And after the maze - super treat!! - A TRACTOR!
Next came the petting zoo. Jack ofcourse loved all the animals! He didn't understand why the pigs kept running away after all his loud "Come Here!"s

There were super cool and fast slides!

A hay stack maze which Jack jumped on top of
Go carts and tire swings horsey's
Stephen tried his hand at a laso
And finally the pumpkin patch where we could all choose our own pumpkins!
Jack had so much fun that when Babi stopped by later he spent a long time telling her about everything! Especially petting the sheep and pigs:)

1 comment:

Michelle said...

How Fun!!