Sunday, August 2, 2009

Joke Time!

There was 3 friends on a camping trip.
A Catholic Priest, a Mormon Bishop, and a Jewish Rabbi.
On the next hill above them there was a herd of bears.
The Bishop says, I bet I can convert one of those bears to Mormonism in 1 hour.
He comes back in an hour and says, "It's done, the bear is converted and reading the Book of Mormon now."
The Priest says, "Oh, I can beat that, I'll convert him in 45 minutes." He comes back 45 minutes later and says "It's done, I converted the bear and he's up there making the sign of the cross."
The Rabbi says, "I can beat both of you, give me 30 minutes."
1 hour passes.
2 hours pass.
3 hours pass and the Rabbi comes down the mountain, covered in blood and his clothes are in shreds.
"What happened to you?!"
"Oh, I converted the bear in 30 minutes no problem, but the circumsision..."

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