Friday, March 13, 2009

Husbands Say the Darndest Things

I splurged. I went and bought myself some really pretty, good quality nail polish the other day. I finally had some time yesterday to do my nails, so I put my new polish on the counter and went about my business. After a little while I came back to find my nail polish gone. I searched everywhere I could think of, but it had just vanished. Oh well, who has time to stress over such things, right? Well, this morning my poor unsuspecting mom turned on the garbage disposal and found my nail polish. Thankfully no one got hurt! I called my hubby to tell him that our fun plans for tonight will include trying to fix the garbage disposal, and he says-
"Why didn't you think of looking in there before?"
Huh, think to myself, I don't usually put my nail polish in the garbage disposal. Jack doesn't usually put things in the garbage disposal, now why would I look there?
Note to self, next time I'm missing something, keys, a sock, purse, whatever, I'll always look in the disposal first. As that is OBVIOUSLY a place one should look.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh My Stars! I can't stop laughing! Leave it to my brother to say something like that!!!! To funny =)