Tuesday, September 9, 2008


We were finally able to go on a family camping trip this year. We went to Yellowstone and the Tetons. The weather was perfect, we really lucked out! And Jack did so good camping! The first night was cold! About 20 degrees. I had Jack in the only coat that was close to fitting him, a coat that was mine when I was 3, the poor little guy was drowning in it! Here Stephen and Jack are working hard putting up the tent and starting the fire. So hard in fact, that after all that work Jack fell asleep in his car seat (it was the best way to keep him out of the cold).

The next morning we went to see Old Faithful and the other geysers. It was so fun to watch them steam up and explode.

Jack ended up getting very hot in the car, so we took a little break to strip his clothes down, he wasn't a very happy camper at that point.
Our next stop was the Mammoth Hot Springs. We ended up letting the little guy ride piggy back and run around here. He loves stairs, and it was a good chance for us all to stretch our legs.

Our next campsite was great. It was a lot warmer, and Jack found Stephen's shovel, so that kept him occupied for a good part of the time. He kept losing his beloved nuk, and searching for it, the story of our lives:)

Our last day in Yellowstone we went to see the Upper and Lower Falls. Stephen wasn't feeling very good, and wasn't all that happy that I was making him go up and down so many stairs, but it is so beautiful, you just can't go to Yellowstone without seeing the waterfalls.

Finally some wildlife! There was a coyote sighting at our second campsite, but we didn't see him, so the only wildlife that we saw the whole trip was a herd of Bison. The very first day there was one Bison walking down the middle of the road, Stephen wanted me to take a picture, but I said we are going to see so much there isn't a point of it. Turns out I was wrong. So when we saw this herd on the last day, we took a lot of pictures.

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