Tuesday, August 28, 2012

First Day of Kindergarden!!!

 Kids are ready to go to the bus:)
 Showing off their cute school backpacks
 So excited!!!
 Waiting at the bus stop
 In the classroom - first day of elementary! Looks who's a big kid now!

Thursday, August 23, 2012


My grandpa is so awesome, he found this newspaper clipping and mailed it to me the other day. This is dad helping me learn to ride my bike when I was around 4 years old in Alabama.  This just happened to come the same evening that I had taken these pics of Stephen teaching Annabelle how to ride her bike - how perfect!

 And my blur of a son riding towards me and me trying not to get run over:)

Summer Wrap Up

 These 2 cuties have become such good buddies over the summer! I love to watch them interact and play and chase each other and give each other love:)
 Jack has just finished up horse riding for the summer. To my delight, he really enjoyed it! He learned to ride and balance on the horse without a saddle and even without the blanket.  He learned how to lead the horse (Stetson) all by himself and really enjoys trotting.  Sarah (his teacher) said he's done the most of all her 5 year olds so far - so proud of him!  And after the whole summer, Annabelle even decided it's ok to pet and feed the horses - her favorite - Lady:)
 Jack started soccer and is really enjoying it! First game this Saturday! There is nothing as great as watching him chase and kick that ball with the BIGGEST smile on his face:)
 Annabelle is our little artist - usually she contains her art capabilities to paper, yesterday she decided she would make herself 'Pretty':) the bath tub was all blue after this so Jack decided he wanted to color himself as well, silly kids:) This was great with the washable markers, until they found a permanent marker I didn't put away well and drew all over Jack's bedroom wall...

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Lemonade Stand

So Pioneer Day we drove out to Spanish Fork to see the fireworks.  It's such a long drive though that the kids fell fast asleep - not to be woken.  Plus the fireworks were way late starting, so we headed home.  Turns out UVU had some this year as well - Ce La Vie!
Anyways, Jack woke up at 5am asking if he'd miss the fireworks and being so sad he did.  We talked about buying sparklers and setting a few off... 
J: Mom, what I'd really like is a remote control helicopter.
Me: Well, we'll have to work for that, we could do a Lemonade Stand
J: Yes!
We set everything up on Saturday and thanks to Jack's friends and a few strangers we were able to make $12.60 in an hour and a half! He already had about $12, just a little ways more and he'll be able to buy his own remote control chopper!
Some fun notes from the day:
Annabelle calls the camera cheese, so I asked her to grab the cheese, well, she went to the fridge and brought a big bag of cheese with her:)
And Jack, I've trained him so well, that while we were grabbing the cheese he was out front, he missed his first customer because 'she was a stranger and I can't talk to strangers mom' and then later when he was giving a lemonade cup to a truck he couldn't quite reach it because he wouldn't step off the curb - we know we can never step out in the road:)

Crazy Hair

 My cutie pie! The boys went camping with the scouts - so along with watching the Olympics opening ceremony we had a fun girls night, painting toes (Annabelle saying Pretty!!) and she found elastics I bought the other day for her gorgeous mid back curly hair.
 She wanted ALL the elastics in her hair:)
She got bored with the Olympics after a while and wanted to watch her favorite show 'Little Einsteins' I love that she sings along and does all the actions to it!


Jack is now trotting at his horse lessons on Stetson with Sarah! He is enjoying this so much!
 Tink saying 'Cheese!' (As in give me the cheese -camera- so I can take pictures)
The horses from Annabelle's angle.  She is finally getting brave enough to pet them:) And Stetson always nods his head and licks Jack after the rides - to show him how much fun he had and say thank you:)