Sunday, June 27, 2010

The Party!!!

Jack's Party was so much fun! The kids spent time splashing in the pool

Going down the zipline
I don't know who enjoyed this more, the kids or the adults:)

Playing in the tunnel and the tramp

The sandbox and this year thanks to my mom and Ron we had plenty of comfy chairs to relax on

The pinata
Eventually, the best way to get into it was just rip it up:)

Birthday Cake


So much fun!!!

The Big 3!! Happy Birthday Jack!!

My little man is a BIG 3 Years Old!!!

I love this little face while opening his presents:) What a cool sprinkler!

This has provided us hours of entertainment already! Thank you Ada!

Chase claimed one of the compartments right away, and was not allowing anyone else near it:)

Monday, June 21, 2010


Jack's newest and greatest sayings:
My name is Optimus Prime! I will get you MegaTron! (Imagine this with a very low husky voice and very exagerated stomping/marching)
When we are playing Transformers (which is everyday) I usually get to be Princess Rachet, because since mommy is a princess I don't just have to be Rachet:)

There's Germans in my teeth! (We have had a hard time getting him to brush his teeth, so I told him one night that there were germs in there, well, he misunderstood and was very concerned that there were Germans in his teeth, he brushes twice a day now, no problems, because we don't want any bad Germans in our mouths:))

I have a baby sister in mommy's tummy. Her name is Annabelle. (this is said to any stranger that we meet lately:) I think he's excited.)

And the newest addition - melts my heart, we were playing toy guns or something:
Stephen: Jack, are you going to teach Annabelle about guns?
Jack: Nooo (very serious)
Stephen: Are you going to teach Annabelle about Transformers?
Jack: Nooo
(This list went on for a little while, all with more or less violent items and Jack's no's)
Me: What are you going to teach her Jack?
Jack: About hugs and kisses

Happy 5 Year Anniversary Honey!

We just had our 5 year anniversary!
Time has flown by! And at the same time its been a lifetime, a good one:)
We took Jack on a horse ride at the Sundance Stables in the afternoon, his first time on a big horse, not just a pony, and not just around a corral! He was in heaven! 30 minutes of riding around. The guide was wonderful, he would let Jack decide exactly where they were going, hold the lead rope so Jack was 'driving' and even taught him how to say whow to stop and kick the sides to go:)

Jack's horses' name was Haus, such a good animal!
This video was so cute, when the cowboys asked Jack what his name was he ofcourse said "I'm Optimus Prime!" in a deep husky voice, anytime one of the other cowboys walked by and asked how the little cowboy was doing he would say "I'm not a cowboy, I'm Optimus Prime!" very seriously ofcourse:)
Later Stephen and I went to China Town for dinner, mmm good! and watched Killers, absolutely hilarious!

Friday, June 11, 2010

Water Rescue Training

Saturday I thought it'd be fun to let Jack see what Stephen's trainings look like. He absolutely loved it, but was very good about NOT getting in the water himself because it's so dangerous.
Here the guys are getting instructions
Stephen's taking the plunge

Stephen telling Jack exactly how to rescue people:)

Rock Climbing during a break

My happy little ham:)

In the Water!

My Flower Bed

My flowers are growing so well! I can't believe how the iris' have expanded! Everything is getting ready to bloom now!

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Day Out With Thomas the Train

Day out with Thomas was a blast this year!
Jack received a Harold the Helicopter tattoo
Played his first game of mini golf

Stood on the train with mommy

Played at the train tables and hogged the Thomas train;)

Held his own ticket and rode on the train with Gavin

Here the boys are so happy yelling 'All Aboard!' and 'Choo Choo!'
It was a great day!