Monday, August 18, 2008

Friday Night Lights

I bought this little toilet for Jack on Saturday, and, proud mommy moment, he went pee-pee in it the very first time we sat him down! Jack ripped his diaper off and Stephen took him to the toilet, he sat him down, pointed to his pee-pee and said go pee-pee Jack, and Jack did! There was lots of cheering, we are so proud of our little smarty pants!
We were able to have a great family outing on Friday night. We first went to feed the ducks, I think it was a little late for the ducks, since they weren't very excited about eating, Jack would hold out bread for them, and then after a few seconds, he would eat it himself.

Next, there was a little playground right close to the duck pond. Jack had a blast climbing up the 'rock walls' and going down the slides. He even started pushing himself off the slides! It was such a fun evening!

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Day at the Zoo

Saturday we spent a day at the Zoo with Babunia. It was so much fun! Jack was very interested in everything, and for the most part thought that all the animals should 'moo'. He did learn how to 'who - who' at the owls, and then explored the playground with great interest, and speed, going from one caterpillar, to ladder, to turtle, etc.

We took the choo choo train around the park. Before we started it was very hard to keep Jack still, but once the train got going, Jack had so much fun!

We saw the 'ghost of the bayou' the albino alligator. He always looks like a big glow in the dark gummy bear to me, Jack's favorite part was the spinny wheel outside of the exhibit.

Next we saw the giraffes, and then the carousel. Jack was pretty tired by the time we got to the carousel, but once he saw it, he slithered out of his stroller and went running. After we got done with one ride, he wanted to do it again, it took a lot of manpower to drag him away:)
And finally the elephant exhibit. This huge beast was lots of fun to sit on!

After our super fun day, I thought Jack would be willing to go to sleep. But after 45 minutes of him running up and down on the bed, I put him in his crib. He usually cries in his crib until he is taken out, I can only stand about an hour of that, you'd think he'd fall asleep. Well, this time he lasted a full 3 minutes, when he climbed out! Well, climbed up and fell down. Poor guy was in such shock that he fell asleep fast after that, but now we can no longer use the crib since he's learned how to get out, and it's on it's lowest setting! I've tried putting him in for a few minutes since, but he goes straight up, and that's just to dangerous.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Happy Birthday Dad

Today would have been my dad's 54th birthday. I just wanted to take a moment to remember some good times that we had together. Our family is and has always been very close. My parents loved (and love) us so much, they never went on dates or vacations on their own. We always had all our adventures together. We miss you dad!

This first picture is the four of us having dinner with friends while we still lived in Alabama. (Shortly after moving to the states)

This is dad looking ever so handsome on one of his many business trips.

These pictures are dad showing Ada and I butterflys, with our little guinea pig, and caring me on his shoulders (my favorite place:)) in a zoo.

My parents made the best couple ever. They always worked together as a team, and loved each other and us very much.